Thursday, February 17, 2011


 This girl LOVES cottage cheese! Sometimes I feed her and other times I just put in on the tray and she goes at it. She has really loved eating solid foods and now she is eating finger foods. I dice up cheese, avocado, bananas, blueberries, soft apples, soft pears, and shredded chicken. She likes meats, fruits, and even veggies(I know she gets the love of veggies from her dad, cause I don't like veggies at all). I feel very lucky that she likes pretty much everything!


  1. ya girl! you are lucky. I wish my kids would eat that healthy!! love you :)

  2. She is getting so big and so cute! You're lucky she's not a picky eater, all of a sidden Bradley has become very selective on what he eats.
